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The Adults in the Room

Written By GOJEK #GolekRejeki on Saturday, August 27, 2011 | 2:23 PM

 The Adults in the Room

A film with a delicate, even controversial subject, THE ADULTS IN THE ROOM is a hybrid documentary exploring filmmaker Andy Blubaugh's relationship with an older man during his teen years and his efforts in the present to turn those events into a narrative film. It combines re-enactments of the troubled romance through the recollections of a now wiser Andy and interviews with relationship columnist Dan Savage, educators, and social workers to explore this thorny issue of adolescent sexuality and the relationships that make us who we are. THE ADULTS IN THE ROOM is an important cultural milestone, one that makes people think and reflect, before they rush to condemn and judge. Writes Shawn Levy of the Oregonian, "I write as an unabashed fan of Andy Blubaugh�s honest, witty, smart, and fresh movies, which I�ve been enjoying one by one the last couple of years. They are unique because they arise from the human idiosyncrasy of the filmmaker himself: the sort of grassroots creativity that feels very now and very 'Portland' to me."

Documentary filmmaker Alan Berliner also has high praise for THE ADULTS IN THE ROOM, noting that it is a "genre-busting cinematic tour de force, mixing dramatic reenactment, documentary interviews, behind the scenes ('the making of') verit� footage, autobiography, lyrical cinematography (and who knows what else he has up his sleeve), into a film project unlike anything we�ve ever seen before." The Bay Area Reporter's David Lamble praises Calvin McCarthy's performance as a young Andy, writing that the actor "employs his choir-boy countenance to hint at the many faces and motives of the teen 'victim' of an adult/child relationship."
2:23 PM | 0 komentar

Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah

Written By GOJEK #GolekRejeki on Thursday, August 25, 2011 | 2:21 PM

Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah

Hamid dan Zainab berasal dari dua keluarga dengan tingkat sosial yang berbeda. Hamid yang berasal dari keluarga miskin dan Zainab yang berasal dari keluarga kaya. Hamid mendapat dukungan dana sekolah dari ayah Zainab, ibu Hamid pun bekerja di rumah keluarga Zainab. Pertemuan demi pertemuan membuat keduanya, Hamid dan Zainab, kemudian saling jatuh cinta.

Mereka berbagi impian yang sama, yaitu tiap manusia bebas untuk mencintai dan dicintai, dan impian untuk menunaikan ibadah haji di Mekah

Hamid melakukan segalanya demi Zainab. Demi mewujudkan cinta mereka. Demi mewujudkan impian itu. Melewati berbagai halangan yang ingin memisahkan mereka, mencoba membuka satu persatu belenggu yang meng atasnama kan adat masa itu.

Bahkan ketika keinginannya untuk meminang Zainab pupus sudah, keinginannya untuk mewujudkan impiannya dan Zainab pergi ke Ka’bah tetap ia perjuangkan.

Hamid berjuang pergi ke Mekah demi Zainab. Zainab berjuang mempertahankan cintanya disini demi Hamid

Sebuah cerita yang berlatar belakang Sumatera Barat tahun 1920-an tentang cinta abadi, dimana ketika segala sesuatu kelihatannya tak mungkin, cinta dengan caranya sendiri, menjadikannya mungkin
2:21 PM | 0 komentar

The Room

Written By GOJEK #GolekRejeki on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 | 2:14 PM

The Room

Johnny is a successful banker with great respect for and dedication to the people in his life, especially his future wife Lisa. Johnny can also be a little too trusting at times which haunts him later on. Lisa is a beautiful blonde fiancĂ© of Johnny. She has always gotten her way and will manipulate to get what she wants. She is a taker, with a double personality, and her deadly schemes lead to her own downfall. 

Mark is a young, successful and independent best friend of Johnny. He has a good heart, but gets caught up in Lisa's dangerous web and gives into temptation. This eventually brings him to great loss. Claudette is the classy, sophisticated mother of Lisa who has had disappointing relationships in her life. She wants her daughter to be married as soon as possible so she can benefit. Denny is an orphan boy, naive and confused about life, love, and friendship. Denny is very ambitious and also very grateful to the people that are in his life. "The Room" depicts the depths of friendship and relationships in one's life and raises life's real and most asked question: "Can you ever really trust anyone?"

2:14 PM | 0 komentar

5 (Lima) Elang

Written By GOJEK #GolekRejeki on Monday, August 22, 2011 | 2:10 PM

5 (Lima)  Elang

Apa jadinya bila seorang anak manja harus melawan komplotan penjahat di tengah hutan? Film 5 (Lima) Elang bercerita tentang Baron (Christoffer Nelwan) yang kesal saat harus mengikuti orang tuanya pindah dari Jakarta ke Balikpapan.  Ia pun memilih untuk menutup diri dari lingkungan barunya dan sibuk sendiri bermain mobil RC. 

Namun, suatu ketika, Baron harus mewakili sekolahnya untuk mengikuti perkemahan Pramuka tingkat Daerah. Ia satu regu dengan Rusdi (Iqbaal Dhiafkari Ramadhan), pramuka supel tapi kelewat optimistis dan sering kali membuat Baron jengkel.  Bersama dengan anggota lain, Anton (Teuku Rizky Muhammad) si ahli api, dan Aldi (Bastian Bintang Simbolon), si kerdil yang tempramental, mereka memulai petualangan barunya di Perkemahan.  Mereka juga bertemu dengan Sindai (Monica Sayangbati), gadis perkasa, yang banyak membantu Baron dkk ketika harus menjelajahi hutan lebat dalam salah satu games perkemahan.
Situasi semakin menegangkan ketika Rusdi dan Anton diculik oleh komplotan penebang hutan liar pimpinan Arip Jagau di tengah hutan.  Baron, Aldi, dan Sindai, yang tadinya mau kabur dari perkemahan, harus kembali untuk menolong kedua sahabatnya. Petualangan yang tersaji penuh ketegangan namun terkadang lucu.
2:10 PM | 2 komentar